Below are the basic rules but for more details and categories check this link.
Eligibility and Rules
1. Entries for EPIC's eBook Competition™ will be accepted from 12:01 AM Central Time US (CST) June 1, 2012 to 10:00 PM CST July 15, 2012.
2. Entries must be published in English and released for sale between June 1, 2011 through May 31, 2012. They must include a publication date and must be submitted as the product sells. Self-published books are eligible.
A buy link must be provided, which shows the book is for sale. Please provide a link which goes directly to the book, not the publisher's or author's homepage.
Electronic versions of books previously released in print format may be entered if eBook version meets entry requirements.
Word-count requirements
Short Story maximum 10,000 words
Novella maximum 30,000 words
Anthology maximum 200,000 words for entire collection
Non-Fiction; all Fiction; all Romance minimum 30,000 words
Children's; Poetry; Graphic Novel no minimum
3. Short stories and Novellas may be entered only if they have been offered for sale as a stand-alone work.
4. Entrants are not limited to the number of titles they may enter, however, the same work may not be entered in more than one category.
5. Works portraying pedophilia, bestiality (this does not apply in respect to Paranormal shape-shifters or aliens descended from cats, dragons,etc.), necrophilia, and/or snuff as acceptable sexual practices will be disqualified without notification or refund.
6. The entry form must be completed with all required information entered accurately. Contact the Competitions Chair at if you have any questions, before completing the entry form.
Entry may be completed by either the author or publisher, except anthologies.
Multi-author anthologies must be entered by either the editor or publisher. The editor should be listed as the "entrant," with the editor's shipping information.
Single-author anthologies may be entered by the author as for any other entry.
Publishers, when entering on behalf of authors, must complete a separate form for each author.
In the case of co-authors, the entry form information and shipping address should be the "primary" entrant and shipping address.
The upload form must reflect the information for the author(s) of the book(s) uploaded on that form.
7. No category changes will occur during any stage of the competition due to entrant error. Once a book is accepted into the competition, it cannot be withdrawn.
8. Entries must be submitted in non-DRM PDF format.
9. The entry file name must be in the following format: Category code-Title.pdf.
For works which are part of a series, only the unique title should be used, not the series title. For example, a Historical work (category F05) which carries the title, Book V of the High Fliers of the Wild Circus: Trapeze Boys, would be entered as F05-TrapezeBoys.pdf.
For guidance on renaming your files, refer to the eBook FAQs.
10. Non-compliance with these rules will result in disqualification without refund.
Entry Fee: $25 for EPIC members, $35 for non members.
Payments will be made electronically as part of the entry